Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Time to pause and reflect

On this last day of the calendar year of 2008, it is perhaps a good time to take a moment and reflect over the happenings of the past year. What have I done? How have I progressed? What did I accomplish?

Whoa, those are some mega big questions!

This year has seen me opening yet another location of my work (that makes number 6!). My son starting kindergarden (so cute!). A new romantic relationship slowly blossoming. The making of new friendships, and the continued nurturing of old ones. Several active steps towards beginning to realize some of my more secret desires.

The person I am now is different from the person I was a year ago. The self-confidence I have gained is pleasing. Now to keep it! The inner development is wonderful as well, must keep at that. Physically, I'm a bit more lax than I was last year, however that is not entirely my fault as I have had a broken foot and been unable to actually be physically active. (Dr's appointment next week, hopefully full clearance to resume activity is given!!!)

The past year has been a blessing and a gift. I wish that every one of you all have been so lucky.

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