Saturday, December 13, 2008


School is over for the semester! *insert happy snoopy dance here* I don't know my grades yet, but they should be decent.

Which means it is now officially Mega Craft Time at my house! I crocheted for about 2 hours today, got a good start on a scarf that will end up as someone's Christmas present. I made a quickie bracelet yesterday, am not totally pleased with how it came out, but it's not bad either. May tinker with it a bit more before it's all over.

I spent most of the day today with my son. He is too cute for words! We cuddled on the couch since he has a nasty cold and watched movies all day. Read a little bit, and of course, made cookies. Yay!

*♥* Indigo MoonDreams *♥*

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