Thursday, December 25, 2008

Yay for Christmas and goodies!

The goodies were a success! Everyone loves a good bag of yummies....goodness the kids at work couldn't stop munching on it all! Success!

And everyone loved their homemade presents too! Mom loved her earrings, the bath salts were a hit, and it was just an all around good time for everyone. Brandon had a fabulous time as well, so it was a good day.

The only wrinkle was the power outage at 8:30 this morning. We had finished with the gift opening, and just eaten breakfast. Which means it was just time to begin cooking all the goodies for the big lunch. The ham had literally gone into the oven maybe 10 minutes ago....when suddenly....the power goes out. My dad had been out walking the dogs and he said he heard an explosion, so came back home to figure it out...well we figured it out alright....a transformer blew!

Since there wasn't really anything we could do about it, we had coconut cake, fruit salad, and cold lunchmeat for Christmas dinner. It made for a unique meal, but you do what you can in strange circumstances!

Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Blessed Yule to all!

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