Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A memory....

Last night I was remembering a fun time we had a couple years ago. For this story, you must understand that I am the Queen of Revenge. ;)

My old general manager was not so great. But for the most part, we dealt with it and moved on.

Until the day she got married.

The four of us that felt obligated to go didn't know anyone else there, so we pretty much stuck together. And 'stuck' is the right term too...we were trapped on a boat on the lake for three hours in the frigid air. With drunk redneck relatives of the bride and groom. Eep!

So an opportunity for revenge presented itself, and I gladly led the way.

The paper shredders got a workout that day, and we ended up with fifteen 50 gallon trashbags full of shredded paper.

Which we proceeded to dump into the office. That much shredded paper fills a small office to chest height.

We still find little bits of shredded paper in the office. It was so totally worth it. She threatened to get us back, but that never happened. Because really, how can you top that?

Until the next plot that I hatch....heheheheheheh.....


  1. I want to swim in shredded paper.
    It'll be less likely that I will drown.

  2. You and me both sweetie! It was actually quite fun - although coming out covered in paper bits was a different experience.
