Monday, December 29, 2008

Just about ready!

Almost ready to launch my little shop! Just have to take a set of pictures to go with the products. Technically I have a set of pics....but I don't like them very much. So, back to the drawing board I will go, most likely tomorrow. Hopefully by the end of this week I can get everything listed and be ready to go. We shall see how that actually goes!

It's actually really hard to describe a piece! Coming up with a little blurb is more difficult that I had believed it would be. Then there is the "do I want it to be cute? funny? simple?" aspect of it too....argh! So many things to consider! Including *gulp* pricing. How the heck am I supposed to know? Oh well, some things will be have to be learned as we go!

Keep your eyes peeled for the opening announcement!

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