Sunday, December 28, 2008

A letter to the weather gods

Dear god and/or goddess of the weather,

Please consider a bit of consistency in the weather. Yes, I realize this goes against your intrinsic nature, but please take a moment to think of the little people. That's right, those little mini things running around on that Earth thing.

I've had enough, so I come to you with a plea for help.

I didn't complain too much when you sent Hurricane Fay, even though she dumped 11 inches of rain on us in three days. That helped us with the extreme drought conditions of the past several years. Even though the 9 inches in one day did make our roof at work leak, and the people have yet to figure out who is going to fix it.

I didn't complain too much about dealing with the coldest November in roughly 30 years.

Or the fog/cloud thing that literally stayed in the area without lifting for a week straight.

I realize that it is technically winter, and therefore temperatures should be lower. I got this all figured out.

What I don't understand is why it is 70 FREAKING DEGREES at the end of December. Did you miss the memo? It's winter! That means cold!

Don't get me wrong, I have no desire for snow and ice. Just a bit of consistency.

Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.

Much love,
♥ Indigo MoonDreams ♥

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