Saturday, December 27, 2008

I will never understand some people

It's amazing to me what some people do.

I mean really.

Someone took the time to select a gift for you. Sure, it may be ugly. Sure, you may not like it. Sure, you may never have a use for it. BUT...and in my mind, this is a huge one....that someone felt that you were special enough that they were going to spend the time to consider and shop and buy something just for you.

Let me tell you, my mom is the undisputed Queen of Bad Gifts. You don't believe me? Last Christmas she gave me a mop. This year I got a piece of luggage - I have gone on exactly one "major" trip in the last five years. But I still appreciate the thought behind the gifts, even if the gifts are less than desireable. Because I know that my mom loves me and put a great deal of thought into what she could get for me and what she thought I might like.

It baffles me that some people will take those gifts that are so carefully selected and RETURN THEM TO THE STORE. I'll give those people who need to exchange clothing for a different size a pass, as long as they come out with the same thing they went in with. Sizing can be difficult for others to figure out. But can you not like something so incredibly much that you feel that you must return it for something else?

Remember, Mom is the Queen of Bad Gifts. And yet I keep everything she gives me, because she tries very hard. Plus I get money as a supplement to these gifts, so it sort of evens out.

And truth be's a nifty mop. ;)

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