Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking Forward

Since yesterday was a look back, today is going to be a looking to the future that this year should bring.

Thing 1 ~ the completion of my Associate's in Science degree! *happy dance* I only have about 11 more credit hours to go, and then I will have my's taken me long enough!

Thing 2 ~ the opening of the online portion of my little handmade business. Actually, that should happen later today - you know, new year, new beginnings. It was symbolic in my head, dangit!

Thing 3 ~ getting back into shape. This is a biggie for me. I broke my foot 3 months ago and have been forced into sitting around for that amount of time. Sitting around = gaining weight = bad. I go to the doctor next week, and I should be cleared to resume normal activity. Which means it will be gym time for me! Along with 88098676287632908987 or so other people. *le sigh* Why do I 'get' to have clearance just in time for the New Year's resolution diet people? Oh well.

Thing 4 ~ figuring out what I am going to do about my job. Come the fall, I will be transferring from the local community college to the local university, and taking a much heavier course load. And quite frankly, I have no idea how I am going to balance work and school! But my boss loves me, so I am absolutely sure we can work something out. Just don't know what yet. Of course, I don't even know what classes and such I will be taking! August is oh, 8 months away after all!

I hope everyone has a very healthy, happy, and wonderful year!

1 comment:

  1. congrats on your AS that takes alot of work to accomplish!
