Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tarot Card of the Day

Every morning, I sit down and drink a nice cup of tea and then draw a tarot card out of one of my many decks. I consider the meanings of the card and see if/how it applies to my day. Many times the application of the card is not apparent until much later in the day, but that's perfectly ok.

Today's card is the 3 of Earth (Pentacles) from the Shapeshifter deck by DJ Conway and Sirona Knight, illustrated by Lisa Hunt.

The seeker has come through a time of inner or outer crisis and is facing the rewards of positive action and reaction. If you are still in the backwaters of a trial, persevere - for you will triumph in the end. Your goals and dreams will soon be achieved.

Put that together with my keywords for this card, and you get someone who is skilled at their job, a mastercrafter of sorts. This person has come through a time of doubt about doing the right thing, and is now ready to move on after seeing the fruits of their actions.

This card suits me perfectly today.


  1. Nice!
    And great pun too...the card "suits" me...hee hee.

    Sorry, as a magician, I find that amusing.
