Saturday, January 3, 2009

Furry children

I have two cats who love to be loved.

This is Topaz, the "please-love-me-touch-me-feed-me-love-me-love-me-LOVE-ME" cat. She purrs all the time. Literally. You can just look at her and she starts purring. Then when you finally do touch her, it's like rockets going off in there. It's crazy. She will walk along beside me, and then flop down on the floor in front of my feet and roll over asking for her belly to be rubbed.

Yes, she is one strange kitty.

This is Tempest, the "sit-down-cause-I-must-sit-in-your-lap-NOW-so-you-can-scratch-my-ears" kitty. Not as much of a purrer, but man, the moment you sit down, this little girl is right there in your lap. Even when I am trying to do other things, like sew, she is right there.

I have some very odd cats. Every other cat I've ever been around will tolerate some love, but never do they demand it like these cats do. Ah well, the price of love. :)

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