Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Meditation

From The Meditation Bible by Madonna Gauding

Heart Chakra

Sit on your meditation cushion or chair. Sit up tall with your spine straight and your chest open.

Bring your palms together and press the knuckles of your thumbs into your sternum. You will find a notch between your left and right rib cage at the level of your heart. Bring your focus to your thumbs and try to feel the beating of your heart. Focus on your heartbeat for 5 minutes, or longer if you feel it to be necessary.

Place your right palm in the center of your chest and your left hand on top of the right. Close your eyes and feel the energy at the center of your chest. Feel it's warmth. Visualize this energy as an emerald green light. Feel it radiating out from your heart into the rest of your body and back into your heart. Stay with this visualization for as long as you like.

Turn your palms outward and away from your body. Visualize the green light from your heart chakra flowing out of your palms and into the universe. Imagine that this light is gathering all the love and compassion in the universe and bringing it back to your heart chakra.

Your heart chakra is considered the love center of the human energy system in the Hindu and Buddhist worlds. It is one of seven energy centers located along the spine and is found in the center of your chest. Use this meditatino to bring love back to your life.

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