On this last day of the calendar year of 2008, it is perhaps a good time to take a moment and reflect over the happenings of the past year. What have I done? How have I progressed? What did I accomplish?
Whoa, those are some mega big questions!
This year has seen me opening yet another location of my work (that makes number 6!). My son starting kindergarden (so cute!). A new romantic relationship slowly blossoming. The making of new friendships, and the continued nurturing of old ones. Several active steps towards beginning to realize some of my more secret desires.
The person I am now is different from the person I was a year ago. The self-confidence I have gained is pleasing. Now to keep it! The inner development is wonderful as well, must keep at that. Physically, I'm a bit more lax than I was last year, however that is not entirely my fault as I have had a broken foot and been unable to actually be physically active. (Dr's appointment next week, hopefully full clearance to resume activity is given!!!)
The past year has been a blessing and a gift. I wish that every one of you all have been so lucky.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A memory....
Last night I was remembering a fun time we had a couple years ago. For this story, you must understand that I am the Queen of Revenge. ;)
My old general manager was not so great. But for the most part, we dealt with it and moved on.
Until the day she got married.
The four of us that felt obligated to go didn't know anyone else there, so we pretty much stuck together. And 'stuck' is the right term too...we were trapped on a boat on the lake for three hours in the frigid air. With drunk redneck relatives of the bride and groom. Eep!
So an opportunity for revenge presented itself, and I gladly led the way.

The paper shredders got a workout that day, and we ended up with fifteen 50 gallon trashbags full of shredded paper.

Which we proceeded to dump into the office. That much shredded paper fills a small office to chest height.

We still find little bits of shredded paper in the office. It was so totally worth it. She threatened to get us back, but that never happened. Because really, how can you top that?
Until the next plot that I hatch....heheheheheheh.....
My old general manager was not so great. But for the most part, we dealt with it and moved on.
Until the day she got married.
The four of us that felt obligated to go didn't know anyone else there, so we pretty much stuck together. And 'stuck' is the right term too...we were trapped on a boat on the lake for three hours in the frigid air. With drunk redneck relatives of the bride and groom. Eep!
So an opportunity for revenge presented itself, and I gladly led the way.
The paper shredders got a workout that day, and we ended up with fifteen 50 gallon trashbags full of shredded paper.
Which we proceeded to dump into the office. That much shredded paper fills a small office to chest height.
We still find little bits of shredded paper in the office. It was so totally worth it. She threatened to get us back, but that never happened. Because really, how can you top that?
Until the next plot that I hatch....heheheheheheh.....
Monday, December 29, 2008
Just about ready!
Almost ready to launch my little shop! Just have to take a set of pictures to go with the products. Technically I have a set of pics....but I don't like them very much. So, back to the drawing board I will go, most likely tomorrow. Hopefully by the end of this week I can get everything listed and be ready to go. We shall see how that actually goes!
It's actually really hard to describe a piece! Coming up with a little blurb is more difficult that I had believed it would be. Then there is the "do I want it to be cute? funny? simple?" aspect of it too....argh! So many things to consider! Including *gulp* pricing. How the heck am I supposed to know? Oh well, some things will be have to be learned as we go!
Keep your eyes peeled for the opening announcement!
It's actually really hard to describe a piece! Coming up with a little blurb is more difficult that I had believed it would be. Then there is the "do I want it to be cute? funny? simple?" aspect of it too....argh! So many things to consider! Including *gulp* pricing. How the heck am I supposed to know? Oh well, some things will be have to be learned as we go!
Keep your eyes peeled for the opening announcement!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
A letter to the weather gods
Dear god and/or goddess of the weather,
Please consider a bit of consistency in the weather. Yes, I realize this goes against your intrinsic nature, but please take a moment to think of the little people. That's right, those little mini things running around on that Earth thing.
I've had enough, so I come to you with a plea for help.
I didn't complain too much when you sent Hurricane Fay, even though she dumped 11 inches of rain on us in three days. That helped us with the extreme drought conditions of the past several years. Even though the 9 inches in one day did make our roof at work leak, and the people have yet to figure out who is going to fix it.
I didn't complain too much about dealing with the coldest November in roughly 30 years.
Or the fog/cloud thing that literally stayed in the area without lifting for a week straight.
I realize that it is technically winter, and therefore temperatures should be lower. I got this all figured out.
What I don't understand is why it is 70 FREAKING DEGREES at the end of December. Did you miss the memo? It's winter! That means cold!
Don't get me wrong, I have no desire for snow and ice. Just a bit of consistency.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.
Much love,
♥ Indigo MoonDreams ♥
Please consider a bit of consistency in the weather. Yes, I realize this goes against your intrinsic nature, but please take a moment to think of the little people. That's right, those little mini things running around on that Earth thing.
I've had enough, so I come to you with a plea for help.
I didn't complain too much when you sent Hurricane Fay, even though she dumped 11 inches of rain on us in three days. That helped us with the extreme drought conditions of the past several years. Even though the 9 inches in one day did make our roof at work leak, and the people have yet to figure out who is going to fix it.
I didn't complain too much about dealing with the coldest November in roughly 30 years.
Or the fog/cloud thing that literally stayed in the area without lifting for a week straight.
I realize that it is technically winter, and therefore temperatures should be lower. I got this all figured out.
What I don't understand is why it is 70 FREAKING DEGREES at the end of December. Did you miss the memo? It's winter! That means cold!
Don't get me wrong, I have no desire for snow and ice. Just a bit of consistency.
Thank you very much for your attention to this matter.
Much love,
♥ Indigo MoonDreams ♥
Saturday, December 27, 2008
I will never understand some people
It's amazing to me what some people do.
I mean really.
Someone took the time to select a gift for you. Sure, it may be ugly. Sure, you may not like it. Sure, you may never have a use for it. BUT...and in my mind, this is a huge one....that someone felt that you were special enough that they were going to spend the time to consider and shop and buy something just for you.
Let me tell you, my mom is the undisputed Queen of Bad Gifts. You don't believe me? Last Christmas she gave me a mop. This year I got a piece of luggage - I have gone on exactly one "major" trip in the last five years. But I still appreciate the thought behind the gifts, even if the gifts are less than desireable. Because I know that my mom loves me and put a great deal of thought into what she could get for me and what she thought I might like.
It baffles me that some people will take those gifts that are so carefully selected and RETURN THEM TO THE STORE. I'll give those people who need to exchange clothing for a different size a pass, as long as they come out with the same thing they went in with. Sizing can be difficult for others to figure out. But really....how can you not like something so incredibly much that you feel that you must return it for something else?
Remember, Mom is the Queen of Bad Gifts. And yet I keep everything she gives me, because she tries very hard. Plus I get money as a supplement to these gifts, so it sort of evens out.
And truth be told....it's a nifty mop. ;)
I mean really.
Someone took the time to select a gift for you. Sure, it may be ugly. Sure, you may not like it. Sure, you may never have a use for it. BUT...and in my mind, this is a huge one....that someone felt that you were special enough that they were going to spend the time to consider and shop and buy something just for you.
Let me tell you, my mom is the undisputed Queen of Bad Gifts. You don't believe me? Last Christmas she gave me a mop. This year I got a piece of luggage - I have gone on exactly one "major" trip in the last five years. But I still appreciate the thought behind the gifts, even if the gifts are less than desireable. Because I know that my mom loves me and put a great deal of thought into what she could get for me and what she thought I might like.
It baffles me that some people will take those gifts that are so carefully selected and RETURN THEM TO THE STORE. I'll give those people who need to exchange clothing for a different size a pass, as long as they come out with the same thing they went in with. Sizing can be difficult for others to figure out. But really....how can you not like something so incredibly much that you feel that you must return it for something else?
Remember, Mom is the Queen of Bad Gifts. And yet I keep everything she gives me, because she tries very hard. Plus I get money as a supplement to these gifts, so it sort of evens out.
And truth be told....it's a nifty mop. ;)
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Yay for Christmas and goodies!
The goodies were a success! Everyone loves a good bag of yummies....goodness the kids at work couldn't stop munching on it all! Success!
And everyone loved their homemade presents too! Mom loved her earrings, the bath salts were a hit, and it was just an all around good time for everyone. Brandon had a fabulous time as well, so it was a good day.
The only wrinkle was the power outage at 8:30 this morning. We had finished with the gift opening, and just eaten breakfast. Which means it was just time to begin cooking all the goodies for the big lunch. The ham had literally gone into the oven maybe 10 minutes ago....when suddenly....the power goes out. My dad had been out walking the dogs and he said he heard an explosion, so came back home to figure it out...well we figured it out alright....a transformer blew!
Since there wasn't really anything we could do about it, we had coconut cake, fruit salad, and cold lunchmeat for Christmas dinner. It made for a unique meal, but you do what you can in strange circumstances!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Blessed Yule to all!
And everyone loved their homemade presents too! Mom loved her earrings, the bath salts were a hit, and it was just an all around good time for everyone. Brandon had a fabulous time as well, so it was a good day.
The only wrinkle was the power outage at 8:30 this morning. We had finished with the gift opening, and just eaten breakfast. Which means it was just time to begin cooking all the goodies for the big lunch. The ham had literally gone into the oven maybe 10 minutes ago....when suddenly....the power goes out. My dad had been out walking the dogs and he said he heard an explosion, so came back home to figure it out...well we figured it out alright....a transformer blew!
Since there wasn't really anything we could do about it, we had coconut cake, fruit salad, and cold lunchmeat for Christmas dinner. It made for a unique meal, but you do what you can in strange circumstances!
Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, and Blessed Yule to all!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
All the goodies have been baked, all the presents have been wrapped, now it's time to get on with the show! Of course, that means I do have to go to work first....yuck! Oh well, it is a short day for me, and I have made sure that I have good people to close with! Makes life so much easier when we close early if you have people who know how to close. Nothing worse than people not knowing what is going on when you are trying to get things done and go home.
I ordered my books online this morning for my next semester of class. I'm saving quite a bit by doing it this way. For almost the same price as only the physics book and workbook in my college bookstore, I am getting both of those plus the student solutions manual. And since me and physics are not the best combination, I most definitely need the solutions manual! I am hoping to get through it and be done....cross your fingers!
Also worked a bit on my jewelry this morning. Got several pairs of earrings finished. I need to build my inventory back up a bit, as I pretty severely depleted it for Christmas gifts. Which means that I get to play with my beads again! Hurray! But not this morning....need to get everything together for going to my parents' house tonight for Christmas so I can see my little one on Christmas morning!
I ordered my books online this morning for my next semester of class. I'm saving quite a bit by doing it this way. For almost the same price as only the physics book and workbook in my college bookstore, I am getting both of those plus the student solutions manual. And since me and physics are not the best combination, I most definitely need the solutions manual! I am hoping to get through it and be done....cross your fingers!
Also worked a bit on my jewelry this morning. Got several pairs of earrings finished. I need to build my inventory back up a bit, as I pretty severely depleted it for Christmas gifts. Which means that I get to play with my beads again! Hurray! But not this morning....need to get everything together for going to my parents' house tonight for Christmas so I can see my little one on Christmas morning!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Hustle here, bustle there
Wow are people ever in a hurry to get things done these days! Rush rush rush, and somehow, things don't seem to get done after all. Then they get angry that their efforts were 'wasted.' Whatever! I don't let it get to me. I can't - otherwise I would drive myself (and probably those around me!) crazy.
On a slightly different note, I have been quite domestic today. Making all the yummy goodies for Christmas. The chocolate covered pretzels, the fudge, the seven layer bars, the muffins, the cinnamon cookies....and more. Oh yes, I am most definitely the dessert lady in my family! And it's such great fun to make all these yummy things and then be able to watch everyone savor them. That is truly the best compliment!
I made up one last batch of bath salts for a gift tonight as well. Had quite a bit left over, so I'm taking that with me to give to Mom tomorrow. I have no idea if she will want them, but it can't hurt to take them along. It's a pretty strong blend though - peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary - meant to open up clogged sinuses. Although I suppose we can all use that from time to time, and especially at this time of year when colds and flus are rampant.
I'm hoping to get a few things listed this week and then I'll be all ready to start for real! SQEEEEE!
♥ Indigo MoonDreams ♥
On a slightly different note, I have been quite domestic today. Making all the yummy goodies for Christmas. The chocolate covered pretzels, the fudge, the seven layer bars, the muffins, the cinnamon cookies....and more. Oh yes, I am most definitely the dessert lady in my family! And it's such great fun to make all these yummy things and then be able to watch everyone savor them. That is truly the best compliment!
I made up one last batch of bath salts for a gift tonight as well. Had quite a bit left over, so I'm taking that with me to give to Mom tomorrow. I have no idea if she will want them, but it can't hurt to take them along. It's a pretty strong blend though - peppermint, eucalyptus, and rosemary - meant to open up clogged sinuses. Although I suppose we can all use that from time to time, and especially at this time of year when colds and flus are rampant.
I'm hoping to get a few things listed this week and then I'll be all ready to start for real! SQEEEEE!
♥ Indigo MoonDreams ♥
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Blessing of Yuletide to all!
Today is the Winter Solstice (Yule). The shortest day and longest night of the year. From this point onwards, the days will begin lengthening again, until they reach their peak at the Summer Solstice (Litha).
Or to put a bit more spiritual spin on it, this is the day of the rebirth of the Sun God/King, who brings back the warmth of the sun. A small baby born of the blessed mother, bringing light to the world - wow, what does that sound like? ;) But I digress.
We celebrate both Christmas and Yule at my home, with the odd bits of Jewish tradition mixed in. This is what comes of being a pagan mother, a Christian family, having a Jewish best friend, and a very open mind. There are rich traditions from each path, and why not incorporate them all into one? It works for us. And this year is interesting as Yule, Christmas, and Hanukkah are all very close.
Snowy hugs to everyone!
Or to put a bit more spiritual spin on it, this is the day of the rebirth of the Sun God/King, who brings back the warmth of the sun. A small baby born of the blessed mother, bringing light to the world - wow, what does that sound like? ;) But I digress.
We celebrate both Christmas and Yule at my home, with the odd bits of Jewish tradition mixed in. This is what comes of being a pagan mother, a Christian family, having a Jewish best friend, and a very open mind. There are rich traditions from each path, and why not incorporate them all into one? It works for us. And this year is interesting as Yule, Christmas, and Hanukkah are all very close.
Snowy hugs to everyone!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
School is over for the semester! *insert happy snoopy dance here* I don't know my grades yet, but they should be decent.
Which means it is now officially Mega Craft Time at my house! I crocheted for about 2 hours today, got a good start on a scarf that will end up as someone's Christmas present. I made a quickie bracelet yesterday, am not totally pleased with how it came out, but it's not bad either. May tinker with it a bit more before it's all over.
I spent most of the day today with my son. He is too cute for words! We cuddled on the couch since he has a nasty cold and watched movies all day. Read a little bit, and of course, made cookies. Yay!
*♥* Indigo MoonDreams *♥*
Which means it is now officially Mega Craft Time at my house! I crocheted for about 2 hours today, got a good start on a scarf that will end up as someone's Christmas present. I made a quickie bracelet yesterday, am not totally pleased with how it came out, but it's not bad either. May tinker with it a bit more before it's all over.
I spent most of the day today with my son. He is too cute for words! We cuddled on the couch since he has a nasty cold and watched movies all day. Read a little bit, and of course, made cookies. Yay!
*♥* Indigo MoonDreams *♥*
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