Saturday, January 31, 2009

I'm trying this...

I recently joined a group of crafters whose goal is to make 1000 paper cranes by the end of the year. The premise behind this is the Japanese belief that those who fold the 1000 cranes will have a wish granted by a crane - long life, recovery from illness, something along those lines. They can also be given as wedding gifts.

I have no desire to get married at the moment, but figured this would be a fun thing to do. Even if it is just to say that you did it! I've folded cranes for years, but then I began thinking....this is dangerous!

What about making the cranes from clay?

But someone already had that idea:

I'm so trying this!

Friday, January 30, 2009


I am in love with the creating of my own beads. How much fun is it to take the vision in your head and turn it into reality?

Now, by no means am I a pro at this yet. Certainly not good enough - yet - to contemplate selling these creations. At this point, they are simply a learning tool. And that is good enough for me.

I will be sure to post pictures as the craft progresses! ;)

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Coming up for air

I have been inundated lately! School started with a vengence, and my creative processes seemed to have gone right with it. In a good and wonderful way.


I have begun experimenting with making my own polymer clay beads! I am not particularly happy with the pendant part of this one, but the overall experience was helpful.

I'm on the lookout for tips, if anyone has them!

Monday, January 12, 2009

School Time!

Back to school I go. I have some decently hard classes this time around - the second semester of organic chemistry and the first semester of physics with calculus. Eep! But I can get through it.

I've spent the morning getting all my school things ready and gathered together. I am ridiculously organized. Of course, that is a good thing!

Now if I could just find my brain, we would be all set!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sunday Meditation

From The Meditation Bible by Madonna Gauding

Heart Chakra

Sit on your meditation cushion or chair. Sit up tall with your spine straight and your chest open.

Bring your palms together and press the knuckles of your thumbs into your sternum. You will find a notch between your left and right rib cage at the level of your heart. Bring your focus to your thumbs and try to feel the beating of your heart. Focus on your heartbeat for 5 minutes, or longer if you feel it to be necessary.

Place your right palm in the center of your chest and your left hand on top of the right. Close your eyes and feel the energy at the center of your chest. Feel it's warmth. Visualize this energy as an emerald green light. Feel it radiating out from your heart into the rest of your body and back into your heart. Stay with this visualization for as long as you like.

Turn your palms outward and away from your body. Visualize the green light from your heart chakra flowing out of your palms and into the universe. Imagine that this light is gathering all the love and compassion in the universe and bringing it back to your heart chakra.

Your heart chakra is considered the love center of the human energy system in the Hindu and Buddhist worlds. It is one of seven energy centers located along the spine and is found in the center of your chest. Use this meditatino to bring love back to your life.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Friday Fantasies!

It's Friiiiiiiiiiiiiiiidaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay peoples!

After a hectic week, it's almost time to relax. The goal is in sight - the weekend is right around the corner.

To celebrate this, I am going to give away a free 30-minute Distance Reiki Session.

Oh, you ask? And just how can I get this?

Simple, just tell me how stressful and terrible your week has been, and why you deserve relaxation. All comments will be entered and I will pick a winner randomly by drawing a name out of a hat (ok, a bowl).

*Reiki is the Universal Life Force Energy. It is a method of energy healing, stress reduction, and relaxation. You do not have to be present to recieve Reiki, as it is able to go where it is needed. I am a Reiki Master of the Usui Tradition, and have been practicing energy healing for 10 years.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Naming Help

I finished a new bracelet the other day. Went to list it, and....I have no name for it. Not even the glimmer of one. The best I can do is Purple Something. Seems to me that won't go over too well. Plus I'm way too picky to settle for something ambiguous like that.

So how about it? Does anyone have a name idea for this piece?

Purple glass beads, pearls, and clear Swarovski crystal bicones....ideas?

I need a new camera too, but that's a whole different story!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Tarot Card of the Day

Every morning, I sit down and drink a nice cup of tea and then draw a tarot card out of one of my many decks. I consider the meanings of the card and see if/how it applies to my day. Many times the application of the card is not apparent until much later in the day, but that's perfectly ok.

Today's card is the 3 of Earth (Pentacles) from the Shapeshifter deck by DJ Conway and Sirona Knight, illustrated by Lisa Hunt.

The seeker has come through a time of inner or outer crisis and is facing the rewards of positive action and reaction. If you are still in the backwaters of a trial, persevere - for you will triumph in the end. Your goals and dreams will soon be achieved.

Put that together with my keywords for this card, and you get someone who is skilled at their job, a mastercrafter of sorts. This person has come through a time of doubt about doing the right thing, and is now ready to move on after seeing the fruits of their actions.

This card suits me perfectly today.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Spiritual Sunday

I don't go to church. For that matter, I'm not Christian. But that doesn't mean that I can't be spiritual/religious/whatever you want to call it. So for today, I believe I will share the meditation that I did this morning.

From the Meditation Bible by Madonna Gauding

Flowing Water

Sit on a cushion, chair, or the ground near a source of running water. Breathe normally and focus on the sound of the water. Try to empty your mind of all thoughts. When thoughts intervene, return your focus to the sound of the flowing water.

With each in breath, allow the sound of the water to deepen your relaxation in your body and mind. Notice if you feel better physically when you are next to the flowing water.

When you feel ready, end your meditation. Drink a large glass of refreshing, pure water. Remind yourself to drink enough water every day.

The sound of flowing water connects your with the flow of nature and reminds you that change is a natural part of life. The soothing sound blocks out harsh noises and your own mental chatter.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Furry children

I have two cats who love to be loved.

This is Topaz, the "please-love-me-touch-me-feed-me-love-me-love-me-LOVE-ME" cat. She purrs all the time. Literally. You can just look at her and she starts purring. Then when you finally do touch her, it's like rockets going off in there. It's crazy. She will walk along beside me, and then flop down on the floor in front of my feet and roll over asking for her belly to be rubbed.

Yes, she is one strange kitty.

This is Tempest, the "sit-down-cause-I-must-sit-in-your-lap-NOW-so-you-can-scratch-my-ears" kitty. Not as much of a purrer, but man, the moment you sit down, this little girl is right there in your lap. Even when I am trying to do other things, like sew, she is right there.

I have some very odd cats. Every other cat I've ever been around will tolerate some love, but never do they demand it like these cats do. Ah well, the price of love. :)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Celebrations of the most important kind

Last night at work, I got a phone call from my ex-husband. I suppose I should say from my ex's phone, since technically it was my son actually calling.

He lost his very first tooth!

He was so incredibly excited. It was the absolute cutest thing ever.

Yes, I say that about just about everything he does, so what?

So tonight, I have to figure out some sort of small celebration for him. Those things are so important for children - a way to mark an important-to-them occasion. I'm thinking cupcakes...must pull out recipe book....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Looking Forward

Since yesterday was a look back, today is going to be a looking to the future that this year should bring.

Thing 1 ~ the completion of my Associate's in Science degree! *happy dance* I only have about 11 more credit hours to go, and then I will have my's taken me long enough!

Thing 2 ~ the opening of the online portion of my little handmade business. Actually, that should happen later today - you know, new year, new beginnings. It was symbolic in my head, dangit!

Thing 3 ~ getting back into shape. This is a biggie for me. I broke my foot 3 months ago and have been forced into sitting around for that amount of time. Sitting around = gaining weight = bad. I go to the doctor next week, and I should be cleared to resume normal activity. Which means it will be gym time for me! Along with 88098676287632908987 or so other people. *le sigh* Why do I 'get' to have clearance just in time for the New Year's resolution diet people? Oh well.

Thing 4 ~ figuring out what I am going to do about my job. Come the fall, I will be transferring from the local community college to the local university, and taking a much heavier course load. And quite frankly, I have no idea how I am going to balance work and school! But my boss loves me, so I am absolutely sure we can work something out. Just don't know what yet. Of course, I don't even know what classes and such I will be taking! August is oh, 8 months away after all!

I hope everyone has a very healthy, happy, and wonderful year!