Saturday, November 15, 2008

Season's Greetings?

Wow, it seems as though everywhere you go these days, you are being pelted with themes of Christmas. The day after Halloween, I walked into a craft store, and POW, Christmas carols were playing over the store music system.

Don't get me wrong, I totally enjoy seasonal music. However, I do find I like it a bit more when it's confined to well....the season it is supposed to be in!

Yeah yeah, 39 days until Christmas. I know.

You also have to realize that I have had my presents done/purchased for months. I *may* go out on Black Friday to see what goodies I can get, but that isn't a huge thing for me. I shop throughout the year, and actually make most of my gifts. Soooooo.....spending the day squashed between grabby people is not my idea of a good time!

Season's Greetings to all!

*♥* Indigo MoonDreams *♥*

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