Friday, November 28, 2008



I've been sick lately. I had the mother of all colds, and then the lovely stomach flu crap that gets passed around this time of year. Then bake, bake, and bake some more for Thanksgiving....yesh, where does time go?

The New Moon was yesterday in addition to being Thanksgiving. An excellent time for remembering your family, what is dear to your heart, and new beginnings. Ties in nicely with Black Friday beginnings in shopping! Yay!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Feeling Icky

I really abhor having a cold. There is nothing worse than having the constant dribble of yuckiness that you need to continually sniff back. Just try taking something for it - and then trying to function. Good luck with that!

Then, it's bedtime, and all you really want to do is sleep. can't breathe!

Why yes, I am kind of whiny. All will be better shortly though, as I can feel that I'm on the other side of the nastiness. Oy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Bead Shopping

Ever have a day when if something can go wrong, it does?

Yes, you guessed it, that day was today.

Ah well, c'est la vie. However, this sort of day demands that you do something just for yourself, to cheer yourself up and take your mind off of things.

What sort of this could this be?

*drumroll please*


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Season's Greetings?

Wow, it seems as though everywhere you go these days, you are being pelted with themes of Christmas. The day after Halloween, I walked into a craft store, and POW, Christmas carols were playing over the store music system.

Don't get me wrong, I totally enjoy seasonal music. However, I do find I like it a bit more when it's confined to well....the season it is supposed to be in!

Yeah yeah, 39 days until Christmas. I know.

You also have to realize that I have had my presents done/purchased for months. I *may* go out on Black Friday to see what goodies I can get, but that isn't a huge thing for me. I shop throughout the year, and actually make most of my gifts. Soooooo.....spending the day squashed between grabby people is not my idea of a good time!

Season's Greetings to all!

*♥* Indigo MoonDreams *♥*

Friday, November 14, 2008

Feeling yucky

Wouldn't you know it - the moment I had a day off, I get sick. Not overly sick, just a nasty cold. The kind that makes you want to lie down in bed and sleep for approximately a week. I've slept more in the past day and a half than I have in probably the last week!

I know, I know, it happens. I don't have to like it though!

My plans for productivity have been completely thrown off. I had great plans to bead my hiney off yesterday and today, however I only got one piece completed.

It's obviously not *that* big in real life, but I got really close to it for the picture. It's probably about 2-3 inches across. Very cute, if I do have to say so myself!

Perhaps I'll have to go playing online to see if I can purchase more beads...then today won't have been a complete waste!

*♥* Indigo MoonDreams *♥*

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Getting Started

Here we go! Time to get this show on the road!

Not much going on here yet, that will be coming shortly. Just a quick note to let anyone who passes by know that it's official!

IndigoMoonDreams is in business! ;)