Sunday, January 3, 2010


It snows here perhaps once a year. And if we are very lucky, it snows enough to actually stick to the ground.

Usually though, we get ice. Ice kinda sucks - it's not pretty and it's really dangerous.

But if the weatherman says the magic four letter 's' word - SNOW - everyone runs out and buys the stores out of bread, milk, eggs, and batteries. Does everyone make French toast whenever it snows? I've never understood why there is a need to buy perishable things when there is a possibility of the power going out.

I'd rather have things that are easy to make and eat, if I have no power. But there I go, being all logical again!

All this leads up to the little mini "storm" we had a couple weeks ago. It was a strange combination of snow, sleet, and freezing rain. By the time it was all over, we had about an inch and a half of white stuff on the ground.

That's the view from my back patio. This was in the middle of the snow part of the storm - giant wet flakes of snow coming down.

So pretty. Well, at that point. You notice that I'm not actually out driving around in it. Nor is anyone else really. By 5 am the next morning though, I was out and about going to work.

The city here shuts down over 3 flakes. So there was nobody out. Ah, the joys of living in the South!

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