Monday, March 23, 2009

Monday, Monday

I wonder why Mondays are so difficult. It's not as if I have the weekend off - oh no, I work all weekend long. As a restaurant manager, weekends are the busy time! In fact, Mondays are one of the closest things to a 'day off' that I have. No work, only 2 classes. Yet they are difficult for some reason.

Perhaps the Mamas and the Papas had it right.

But with that, I am hoping to have some new and exciting items in my shop by the end of the day today! ☺

Friday, March 20, 2009

Ostara Blessings - Spring is Here!

To those that follow the Earth-based religions, today marks the spring equinox, and one of the eight major celebrations of the year. Today the day and night are of equal length, and the wheel is turning more and more towards the warmth of summer.

The rest of the world knows this as the first 'official' day of Spring!

Hooray for longer days! Hooray for warmer weather! Hooray for green growing things sprouting up everywhere!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last night I realized that I am getting down to the last little bit of my stash of wonderful handmade soaps. I have been known to make my own, but I don't currently have any lye, or the time to make any. So off to Etsy it was, to find a place to buy some wonderful soap.

There are so many choices of great shops and great soaps there! I decided to narrow it down a bit, and research some of the sellers that are part of the pagan or earth-based groups. Every little bit that I am able to support my brothers and sisters of this path, I love to do so!

I ended up purchasing some lovely soaps from SeaSpriteSoaps. I can't wait for them to arrive, as the descriptions all sounded wonderful!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Coming Back Again

Yikes....I've managed to hide away for quite a while again!

I *must* get myself to do this everyday. If anyone has any ideas, send them my way, because apparently I need them!

I will be updating more tomorrow...need to list some things too! ♥